The Human Culture Academy stands for the imparting of human wisdom for the further development of the consciousness of leaders and organizations. The goal of our work is a fundamental process of self-transformation towards a deep understanding of one’s own destiny, towards a definition of the meaning of one’s own work and towards a deepening of interpersonal relationships in work and private life.
The heart of our work is the Mentoring Program for private individuals and executives. This is an intensive and individual 1:1 support over one or more days, during which you will find your own convictions, values and potentials through exercises and conversations, thus releasing undreamed-of sources of strength for your future actions. The mentoring programme can be carried out online in Skype conversations or in person.

Problems can never be solved with the same consciousness, the same way of thinking that created them.
(Probleme kann man niemals mit dem selben Bewusstsein, denselben Denkweisen lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind.)
The 21st century requires the willingness to let go of old concepts – to free oneself from them – as well as the courage and ability to develop oneself further. The development of fallow, undiscovered human abilities is necessary to make this new way of being possible.
Mentoring - your benefit:
- Developing skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century
- Self-knowledge and personal growth
- Development of creativity, intuition and empathy
- Discovering and developing new, unknown abilities
- Development of highest concentration ability
- Development of a clear ability to distinguish between essential and non-essential
- Development of new approaches to solutions for the professional situation in the company
- Learning to harmonise thinking, speaking and acting
- Learning to think as a training of consciousness and gaining knowledge
- Learning the ability to anticipate the future for the company
Theoretical background
Mentoring has been developed in cooperation with research groups (Scharmer, Senge, Jaworski) at M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston).
Developmental psychology and theories of personality development (self mastery)
- Theories of consciousness development and brain research
- Tradition of myths and stories Psychology
- Theories of organizational development
- Wisdom teachings of ancient, spiritual traditions
- Leadership Theories
The leadership culture of the 21st century
Together with you, we would like to develop a leadership culture of the 21st century in which authentic leaders are capable of actively shaping a liveable and sustainable future with courage, creativity and a sense of responsibility.
Our methods
- Self-exploration sessions in individual work
- Energy and physical exercises
- Relaxation, concentration and meditation exercises
- Contemplation Exercises
- hatha yoga
Our strength
Leaders from all over the world learn in our mentoring program, in seminars, workshops or conferences, to unfold inner, still undiscovered potentials.
What does this mean?
A leadership culture of the 21st century means that companies live up to their social, economic and ecological responsibility. It is the essence of leadership to lead people into the unknown. For companies to have a sustainable impact in this world, a development of consciousness towards a new way of being is necessary.
Film tip: The Silent Revolution
In our modern world it is becoming more and more important to give meaning to work, to live values in the company and to do this with a modern management based on self-perception and self-reflection. The film “The Silent Revolution” gives an example of the type of work, including Anselm Grün.